Check local weather forecasts before you go

Thunderfly season is, fortunately, fairly predictable. It begins in mid-April and runs until late June. After this, most of the adults have died off, leaving the ones who survived the winter to mate and lay eggs. This year’s weather can be unpredictable, though. Wild weather can sometimes cause thunderflies to become trapped in trees and die. When this happens, the weather is usually warm and dry for a few days. If you are in a region where thunderflies are abundant, there is a 50% chance that conditions are perfect for catching them. Check the forecast before you go, and dress appropriately for both hot and cold weather.

Bring bug spray

Thunderflies are attracted to certain smells, and certain types of body odor may entice them to land near you. Therefore, if you are searching near a body of water, you might be better off with a deodorant instead.

If you do choose to bring spray, be sure to bring enough for everyone. One person’s scent could be overwhelming for everyone else. You might also want to keep in mind the noise you will make if you are spraying the entire group. Some people may want to search while others may want to keep their distance.

Dress warmly and wear closed-toed shoes

Thunderflies don’t like the cold, but are very sensitive to the warmth of the sun. People often bring a blanket or a tent to shield themselves from the sun’s rays, but this could also make it hard to see the insects.

If you are hunting in the mountains or in the desert, wear layers and a hat. Thunderflies can survive in temperatures from -10°C to 40°C (-50°F to 104°F). While it is unlikely that you will encounter these extremes, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Watch the sunset

While the sun is out, many thunderflies are out and about. You can find them at dusk, when the air is warm and still. It is best to aim to be in the same location during the sunset as the thunderflies, because they will generally return to the same area. Aim to be in the same location at midnight and sunrise as well.

The best time to catch a thunderfly is when the air is still, and you can see them easily. Try to remain quiet and out of the way, so that you don’t disturb them. If there are trees nearby, climb up a few branches to see if you can get a better view.

Be prepared to wait in line

If you are lucky enough to find a thunderfly, be prepared to stand in line. Many thunderfly-hunters will only allow a certain number of people to catch a certain number of insects. While this may seem unfair, the practice is actually quite common among insect-hunters.

Some states require that you purchase a permit to catch a certain number of insects. In these states, you will want to be extra patient because you may have to wait in line for a long time.

Catch your own thunderflies!

If you are lucky enough to catch a thunderfly, you may want to keep it as a pet. While some species of this insect can be bred in captivity, the majority of them are wild-caught in the wild. If you are lucky enough to catch one, you can keep it as a pet by gently pinching its wings and allowing it to crawl inside your shirt or jacket. It will generally crawl away on its own, though you may want to gently shake your clothes before you put them back on to make sure it is safely out.

If you don’t want to keep the thunderfly, you can release it outside in the wild. Thunderflies do not survive long in captivity, so they are likely to quickly fly away if left in a bucket. Conversely, if you release one in the wild, it may quickly fly away to mate with another thunderfly. You can also bury the thunderfly, but be careful not to leave it outside too long, as it may eventually die from being buried too long.

These are just a few of the ways to find and catch a thunderfly. Thunderflies are incredible insects, and they can be found almost anywhere. If you want to catch one, though, you will have to spend time looking and waiting for them.

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